Lorem Ipsum Dolor sit amet


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rutrum a nunc eget porta. Pellentesque vehicula bibendum ipsum vel consequat. Vestibulum ut erat eget lectus imperdiet fermentum. Donec non imperdiet velit, ut mollis sem.
Donec facilisis justo lacus, non bibendum felis pretium at.

Only $199 a month!

* Regular Price: $1000 / Month






Cras vel suscipit ante, at lobortis massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla auctor eros ut pretium auctor. Sed iaculis, felis sed pellentesque mollis, lorem dui imperdiet libero.

Lorem Ipsum: Nunc auctor mauris sit amet sem

Lorem Ipsum: Maecenas elit magna, vehicula eu

Lorem Ipsum: Quisque dui orci, cursus vel viverra sed




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rutrum a nunc eget porta. Pellentesque vehicula bibendum ipsum vel consequat. Vestibulum ut erat eget lectus imperdiet fermentum. Donec non imperdiet velit, ut mollis sem. Donec facilisis justo lacus, non bibendum felis pretium at.

Lorem Ipsum: Nunc auctor mauris sit amet sem

Lorem Ipsum: Nunc auctor mauris sit amet sem luctus tempus

Lorem Ipsum: Maecenas elit magna, vehicula eu tempor eu, dignissim id turpis.

  • Phasellus mattis risus nisl, at vulputate lacus



Aliquam ut ligula at dolor ullamcorper maximus at non nulla. Quisque dui orci, cursus vel viverra sed, sodales eget lectus. Suspendisse et velit nisi. Aenean at fermentum tellus.

  • Lorem Ipsum: Vestibulum varius sit amet neque nec varius.

  • Lorem Ipsum: Phasellus mattis risus nisl, at vulputate lacus,

  • Lorem Ipsum: Phasellus gravida hendrerit varius. Donec velit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

consectetur nunc

Cras blandit fermentum ex, eget convallis nunc fringilla vel. Vestibulum a nulla nec

  • Google Reviews - Cras blandit fermentum ex, eget convallis nunc fringilla vel

  • Google Reviews - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit

  • Google Reviews - Aliquam ut ligula at dolor ullamcorper maximus

  • Google Reviews - Quisque dui orci cursus vel viverra sed

  • Google Reviews - Aenean at fermentum tellus

  • Google Reviews - Vestibulum varius sit amet neque nec varius

  • Google Reviews - Integer et ante sollicitudin

  • Google Reviews - Cras blandit fermentum ex

  • Google Reviews - Vestibulum ut erat eget lectus imperdiet fermentum

  • Google Reviews - Sed rutrum a nunc eget porta

  • Google Reviews - Cras vel suscipit ante, at lobortis massa

  • Google Reviews - Duis vulputate cursus erat vel lacinia

  • Google Reviews - Vestibulum varius sit amet neque nec varius

  • Google Reviews - Morbi tincidunt ullamcorper rutrum

  • Google Reviews - Ut mollis, erat ac ultricies luctus, purus tortor posuere nunc


Vestibulum eu sollicitudin nisl. Morbi tincidunt ullamcorper Phasellus Gravida Hendrerit, convallis sit amet turpis sit amet mollis nulla Fusce Imperdiet convallis sit.

  • Curabitur quis eros a tellus varius bibendum. Integer arcu neque, tempor malesuada pulvinar porttitor, consectetur ut leo.

  • Etiam auctor lacinia nisl in bibendum. In nec aliquet nisi. Duis viverra pharetra ligula ac auctor.


Dentist, Entrepreneur & Public Speaker


Phasellus mattis risus
nisl at Phasellus purus

Nam vel arcu dolor Integer tristique odio eget

Curabitur quis eros a tellus varius bibendum. Integer arcu neque, tempor malesuada pulvinar porttitor, consectetur ut leo. Pellentesque ultrices dolor diam, vitae ultrices tellus suscipit et. Aliquam vulputate in ligula suscipit gravida. Mauris vel turpis semper, consectetur ipsum eget, eleifend leo.

  • Nam vel arcu dolor. Integer tristique, odio eget cursus

  • Nam vel arcu dolor. Integer tristique, odio eget cursus

  • Nam vel arcu dolor. Integer tristique, odio eget cursus

" Dr. Safarian is an expert in clinical dentistry and practice management. Unlike many other consultants, he practices 5 days a week and runs a thriving, comprehensive practice. Somehow, he still finds the time to coach some of the country's top dentists and groups on building and maintaining formidable systems to achieve practice growth. I learned a ton of practical recommendations from him that can be applied Monday morning, as well as contacts with top quality vendors that will lead to savings for my practices. Highly recommend his expertise." - Dr. Ryan S. Lee


Curabitur ultricies tortor purus, eu fermentum metus dictum ut.

The Master Class program is a weekly 1 HR virtual class in a group setting where we bring guest speakers to discuss important issues dental owners face everyday and how to navigate your practice to success. You will receive 1 CE unit for each class you attend plus receive Lovebites Dental Action Items once a month to help you improve practice performance.

Only $197 a month!


Maximum Drive combines all three Lovebites Dental Programs for dental executives looking to build a healthy business culture, systems and develop team chemistry. If you like the best CE education in the country with some fun included then this is the program for you.



Business Access will help you become a business leader and NOT just a dentist working in your business. There are 4 areas of attrition in any business; marketing, lead management, sales process and negotiations. This program will bring awareness to these areas in your business and help you make the right business decisions to grow your dental practice.

Only $497 a month!


Donec velit sapien, convallis sit amet

Pellentesque luctus massa tristique Donec vel nisi

Nam vel arcu dolor. Integer tristique, odio eget cursus tempus, eros nulla pharetra ligula, sed tempus justo mi ac enim. Phasellus laoreet ex lobortis lectus elementum, sed sodales justo ullamcorper. Curabitur quis eros a tellus varius bibendum.

  • Lorem Ipsum: Integer arcu

  • Lorem Ipsum: Pellentesque ultrices dolor diam

  • Lorem Ipsum: Aliquam vulputate in ligula suscipit gravida

  • ​Lorem Ipsum: Mauris vel turpis semper

  • Lorem Ipsum: Etiam auctor lacinia

  • ​Lorem Ipsum: Nam vel arcu dolor

  • ​Lorem Ipsum: In commodo ligula vel odio porttitor

Sed lectus mauris

Nam vel arcu Phasellus mattis vulp lacus

Aliquam ut ligula at dolor ullamcorper maximus at non nulla. Quisque dui orci, cursus vel viverra sed, sodales eget lectus. Suspendisse et velit nisi. Aenean at fermentum tellus. Vestibulum varius sit amet neque nec varius.

  • Lorem Ipsum: Integer et ante sollicitudin

  • Lorem Ipsum: Phasellus mattis risus nisl, at vulputate lacus

  • ​Lorem Ipsum: Phasellus purus ex, molestie ac

Quisque sodales sed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Who Are Passionate


Who Are Leaders


Who Are Focused


Who Are Driven


Who Are Ambitious


Who Are Accessible

"Best on the market"

" Dr. Safarian truly made an impact in the way I approach treatment presentations. His coaching sessions allowed me to significantly increase my production. He gave me key tips that you can apply immediately. He will help you improve the relationship with your patients and your overall satisfaction in your career. Highly recommend his services to my colleagues. "

- Dr. Ben Baranes

"Everything I wanted"

" With the help of Dr. Safarian and his calm and effective coaching methods I just had my best year ever. I have been in private practice for over 40 years and we grossed over $4M in collections in 2021. The best part is my entire team will make more money this year. "

- Dr. Steve Poulos

"Worth every penny"

" I just completed the latest FAM course. Like most, my goal for attending was to learn the FAM workflow. A huge unexpected bonus was getting to meet and hear Dr. Shahin Safarian talk about being the CEO of my full arch practice. The topics he covered & questions he posed were quite thought provoking. ~ Vital business statistics that I should know, but didn't. ~ Things that I knew were important, but ones that my clinician brain hadn't spent enough time on. My plan post FAM-week now includes coaching work with him focusing on the CEO in me. Time that I know will generate a huge ROI to me and my busy practice."

Dr. Jeff Lynch

HEY, STILL Got questions?

We got answers!

Aliquam ut ligula at dolor ullamcorper maximus at non nulla. Quisque dui orci, cursus vel viverra sed, sodales eget lectus. Suspendisse et velit nisi. Aenean at fermentum tellus. Vestibulum varius sit amet neque nec varius. Integer et ante sollicitudin, vestibulum felis et, scelerisque tellus. Suspendisse nibh velit, maximus vel eleifend non, convallis ac augue.

Specific core values are the foundation of a practice. All aspects of the operation tend to align within the bounds of those values therefore everything should have an ethical and value-based approach.In order for the practice and coach to work together successfully they must share similar value structures and on the same page concerning growth. Values can include patient care standards, staff performance expectations, privacy, data security, mindset, and more.

For your convenience coaching sessions are virtual, but attending a live hands on event is encouraged. These are the best opportunities for networking and learning from the doctor community.

Yes. Master Class meets once a week for 1 hour. It is a virtual interactive group session with guest speakers that offers 1 CE credit for each hour attened.

Yes! Tickets are available for in-person CE Courses throughout the year all over the country for you to attend. Once a member you will be updated regulary on the calendar for the year.

Yes. You get DEEP DISCOUNTS on festivals and events. 60% for the Dental Festival

Yes! Enjoy the benefits of being part of a dental community. Doctos attend for free and team members can attend for up to 90% off.

The first Maximum Drive Membership includes one doctor. Each additional doctor attending a Lovebites Dental Course can attend and receive 50% off the ticket price.

Team members are not included in the membership price but they can attend LIVE CE courses for only $95 a course per team member. A ticket link will be sent to you for each course announced so you can bring key team members.

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